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Can I Make Overpayments on My Equity Release Mortgage?

You can make some overpayments over the life of the mortgage without penalty, but early repayment fees may apply if you want to repay more or pay the mortgage in full. These fees do not apply in the event of death or transfer to a long-term care facility. Some lenders will allow you to make payments of up to 15% of the initial loan amount each year without penalty. This will not only reduce the amount of interest accrued, but it will also reduce the total loan and the amount due when the loan is repaid.

As with many other types of mortgage loans, you can make additional overpayments on the monthly repayments agreed on your annuity mortgage. Different lenders can accept payment using a variety of methods, such as bank transfers, direct debits, standing orders, checks or phone card payments, and you may need to check precisely what payment your lender accepts. Therefore, if downsizing is right for you, consider doing so sooner. That said, if it's a home you've lived in for years and you have a lot of friends in the community, don't underestimate the personal and social impact of moving if you can only afford to downsize outside the area. The most common form of capital release is a mortgage that isn't paid until you die.

So, if you have no one to leave your assets to, it's a decent, albeit expensive, way to raise money. In this case, a provider pays you a tax-free lump sum for a portion of your home below market value. You can then live in the property (rent free) until you die. When you sell, profits are divided according to the percentage you own and the percentage that the lender owns. So if the value of your property increases significantly, so does the amount you receive.

Lenders who are members of the Equity Release Council (ERC) and carry their trusted brand must comply with certain rules and regulations, such as the guarantee of “no negative capital”, which means that your assets will never owe more than your home is worth. So, if you're seriously considering a home reversal or annuity mortgage plan, make sure it's one from a lender that's a member of the ERC (virtually all lenders with capital exemptions are).Having cash instead of property can affect the benefits you're entitled to, such as pension credit, universal credit, and others. Therefore, if you are entitled to them, first check the impact of capital release. If you're not sure, ask a stock issuance advisor to check what the impact would be. Use our overpayment calculator to see how you could reduce the outstanding balance of an annuity or capital release mortgage.

Some companies allow an overpayment of up to 10% per year. Simply enter the loan amount, the quoted interest rate and decide how much you can pay up to the maximum total monthly repayment shown. Click the “Calculate” button to see the result. Capital release is gaining popularity as a way for homeowners aged 55 and older to finance a more comfortable retirement. A capital release with a repayment option in the United Kingdom allows you to reduce or liquidate what can be significant debt.

Use this calculator as a guide only: Not all annuity mortgages or capital release plans allow for overpayments. Responsible Equity Release is the market leader in equity issuance advice and providers of Telegraph Media Group's share publishing service. The Equity Release Council (ERC) is a body that exists to ensure that lenders and advisors provide the highest possible standards to borrowers. The generic term “capital release” is generally used to describe two of the main ways in which a homeowner can unlock the cash value that would otherwise be immobilized in their home they have owned for several years. Your capital release offer will show how you can repay your capital release, and if you already have a plan, you can always check with your capital release provider. To understand all the features and risks of a stock issuance plan, request a custom illustration. That intention was for the life mortgage with capital release to be extended until death or transfer to long-term care; this was originally scheduled for repayment of principal amount lent and any outstanding accrued interest.

Different providers will have their own rules and policies about repaying any capital release funding ahead of schedule. It is essential that you discuss your repayment plans with your capital release advisor before contracting any capital release plan.

Nigel Cook
Nigel Cook

Coffee expert. Hardcore social media fan. Wannabe tv junkie. Amateur web fanatic. Incurable internet scholar. Infuriatingly humble travel trailblazer.

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